Peter Zumthor, the esteemed Swiss architect and recipient of the 2009 Pritzker Prize, is renowned for his exploration of multi-sensory engagement in architectural design. He seeks to evoke a holistic experience by leveraging the senses of sight, sound, touch, and even smell. Zumthor achieves this by skillfully integrating natural and man-made materials while orchestrating one's journey within a given space.
Typography plays a crucial role in shaping how information is perceived and understood, making it an essential element in any creative endeavor. This particular project seeks to push the boundaries of communication, visual hierarchy and aesthetic through the exclusive us of type, encapsulating Zumthor's fascination with sensory experiences by placing emphasis on each individual sense. The typography plays a pivotal role in highlighting the significance of sight, sound, and touch throughout the design of the poster, book, and cards, respectively. These carefully crafted components are elegantly packaged within a box set, reminiscent of a curated book series. This deliberate arrangement mirrors Zumthor's mastery in orchestrating sensory perceptions, resulting in an impactful and cohesive experience.
Zumthor develops buildings of great integrity—untouched by fad or fashion. Declining a majority of the commissions that come his way, he only accepts a project if he feels a deep affinity for its program, and from the moment of commitment, his devotion is complete, overseeing the project’s realization to the very last detail.
His buildings have a commanding presence, yet they prove the power of judicious intervention, showing us again and again that modesty in approach and boldness in the overall result is not mutually exclusive. Humility resides alongside strength. While some have called his architecture quiet, his buildings masterfully assert their presence, engaging many of our senses.